Distance Trigger

The Distance Trigger enables to start or stop a behavior by returning true when the distance between the root bone of an Entity and an object (camera, mesh…) or a group of objects, is successfully compared to a reference value.


  • Behavior Editor / Trigger Library: 
  • Golaem Menu: Crowd Triggers / Triggers / CrowdTri Distance Node
  • MEL command: glmCrowdTriDistanceCmd;


A Distance Trigger defines the following specific attributes. For common attributes see Trigger Common Attributes.

Distance Attributes

In Objects Distance object: Link to the Maya objects / groups  to check the distance with.
  • if the object is a mesh, the distance will be computed with its Maya AABB.
  • if the object is a particle system, the distance will be computed with each particle having a lifespan > 0

A comparison operator (equal, greater than…)


A reference value.


Error allowed between the distance and the reference value for the trigger to return true


Ramp Attributes

If the Threshold value is set to some values, the Ramp controller will become available

Ramp Defines the probability at which the trigger will return true. The range of the ramp is [value-threshold; value+threshold]